Verticality was an unfinished map from the alpha build of Insurgency. However, we all saw potential in this one and decided to complete it. With already a strong base to work from and a huge library of assets, I was able to construct this map […]
Panj, was a fun map to work on, mainly because the gameplay and visuals were completely different from any map we had done before. Several people worked on this monster, but for the most part, I was responsible for its overall construction. Additional credits: Andrew […]
Uprising, was already in a further stage of development when I was asked to finish it up, including a night version. For the most part I worked on the overall detailing, lighting and gameplay polish of the map. Additional credits: Jon Michael Hickenbottom and Insurgency […]
Recreating Sinjar was a big challenge from start to finish. The map was for the most part rebuild from the ground up to make sure it could be easily modified whenever needed. Also the view distance has been increased to almost twice the amount of […]
Buhriz, orginally created by Majoris was one of my first big jobs on Insurgency. Doing a remake of this map was quite a challenge, mostly due the long view distance and high expectations from the community. The map wasn’t done entirely from scratch, however several […]
Dark Matter was completely different from what I had done before. Not only because it’s platformer instead of a FPS but also of the descision to use a different Engine. I had to learn a lot about Unity3d and platform mechanics (Played a lot of […]
Compound was an interesting project. After finding out that compound wasn’t coming anytime soon to CS:GO I decided to do it myself. However as many CS:S players know, compound isn’t one of the best balanced maps out there. So I decided to not just simple […]
Training map was recently released in the Massive Nuclear Dawn update, don’t let its small size fool you. It was quite a bit of work to get it done in time. One of the most difficult things was to add all four tutorials in one […]
Oasis is a map for Nuclear Dawn based on Dubai. Already in the planning stage the idea was to make a city that was heavy affected by the desert environment and slowly disappearing under the sand. To make sure the layout would look like a […]
Downtown heavily inspired by New York was a very ambitious project for Nuclear Dawn. One of the biggest challenges was the replica of the Empire State Building in the middle of the map, not only because of its size but also to make sure the […]
Sinjar is an offical level for Insurgency a HL2 total conversion. It was in development for several years and went through many revisions before I was satisfied with the result. Especially the size was one of the main aspects which made it very difficult to […]